TMPL_128_Cumt.txt This Month Cumulative Seconds: 4-byte integer (decimal) Last Month Cumulative Seconds: 4-byte integer (decimal) Today's Cumulative Seconds: 4-byte integer (decimal) MONTH: 2-byte integer (decimal) Window Position.v: 2-byte integer (decimal) Window Position.h: 2-byte integer (decimal) Day to Clear: 2-byte integer (decimal) Old Day: 2-byte integer (decimal) Auto Clear: 1-byte integer (decimal) Auto Launch: 1-byte integer (decimal) Clear Flag: 1-byte integer (decimal) Display Day Cum. Flag: 1-byte integer (decimal) Close Window When Idle: 1-byte integer (decimal) Hide Hot Spots: 1-byte integer (decimal) Close with Soft Close: 1-byte integer (decimal)